I am a genome scientist based in Bristol, England. I am currently studying the genetic basis of neuropsychiatric disorders, but I have also done research on iridescent plants, plant pathogens and lichens. I have continued my work on lichen-associated algae and cyanobacteria for my blog
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Tag Archives: Methods
Adding new sequences (Mistakes were made)
Looking through the tree produced in my last post, I noticed that several interesting sequences were missing from the tree. There are also less sequences in the tree than I get if I search for “Nostoc rbcX” in Entrez. Turns … Continue reading
Adding host information to the Nostoc phylogeny
Having obtained 496 Nostoc rbcX sequences (plus one outgroup) and used them to infer a reasonable phylogeny, all that is left is to assign host association information to the branches. This will require (a) parsing the sequence files to obtain host … Continue reading
Obtaining the sequences
Perhaps not surprisingly given my background, I will be starting with Nostoc photobionts. In my opinion, the most useful marker for this group is rbcX, so I will be starting there. I have decided to use blast to obtain all … Continue reading